Poetry is not a luxury
About Piet Nieuwland
Poetry is not a luxury, it is a necessary part of the creativity of every day. Piet Nieuwland has poems and flash fiction appear in numerous print and online journals published in New Zealand, Australia, United States of America, Canada, India and Germany.
He is a performance poet, edits Fast Fibres Poetry, and lives near Whangarei.
In a previous life he worked as a conservation strategist for Te Papa Atawhai in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
He also contributes reviews to Landfall Online Review, a platform dedicated to showcasing literary works and creative voices.
If you would like to explore his reviews, feel free to visit the website here: https://landfallreview.com/
Featured Poems
On the luminous beach with dawnpiling itself upon all the previous dawnsOn wings of pollinating winda necklace of minutes folds overas white bodies dive in slow motiontumbling through wide sheetsof experience loaded with memorieseach a present that lives within us likethe girls who moved like a murmur of birdlike a circus of cloudslike an amphitheatre of mountainsa softly spoken rivercelebrations of kihikihi wawa on tawapou treessucculent hopes of newly planted tomatoestendrilous adventures of scarlet runner beans in early summerswelling ovaries of orange flowersthe red door handleopening
We enter the
We enter the same river as shadows / dissolving black mosaicsPut calculations aside / and examine our selvesAmongst jumbled ice floes/ in the polar nightWith waves re-naming the beachesIn communions / on a hundred thousand altars of oak and stoneAt deserts of windmills / and turbines of lightWith Panthalassa crying / eternities of hot tearsAt our theatrical spectacle / of frantic danceChants of masks banners and flagsOf feathers, leaves and painted facesBuilding the momentum / of unheard-of termsIn galloping downpours of hyper-typhoons
Violets Slowly Falling
In a storm of kisses
a memory of memorydrawn from aquifers of blood
and the hurricane of silence on theoretical numbers of the night
In the hidden geometry of squalls buried in holocene Aupouri dunes you are like a conversation of frenzied bee hives on a springtime field a stream of violets slowly falling from the call of Australorp roosters You are the flurried feathers of a scatter of gulls the warm sand on a summer beachthe wings of a white bra falling into the surfI cling to the smoothness of light that fills your breasts under the vicious blue sky
In the hidden geometry of squalls buried in holocene Aupouri dunes you are like a conversation of frenzied bee hives on a springtime field a stream of violets slowly falling from the call of Australorp roosters You are the flurried feathers of a scatter of gulls the warm sand on a summer beachthe wings of a white bra falling into the surfI cling to the smoothness of light that fills your breasts under the vicious blue sky
Acts of kindness
Going forward into the night
ambiguous with satellite emitting diodes
viscous crumbles of honey stars and a flight of lips
the air is loud with geraniums
the moon tree shakes in a gust
dripping a sweet syrupy glow
over a world of ghosts
As the planet rotates through space
the gardens drool with greens
and the ferocity of trees
light falls over hills into lyrics of gum trees
the particular gravity of the day
shifts the autumnal weight of shadows
with the insistence of rain, each moment falls
into superfluity, a raga
approaching silence
What's New
116 Bank Street Whangarei
Dates: Wednesday, 19 February Wednesday, 19 March Wednesday, 16 April Wednesday, 14 May Wednesday, 14 June Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Share your poetry hereKoha admission to cover venue hire
Dates: Wednesday, 19 February Wednesday, 19 March Wednesday, 16 April Wednesday, 14 May Wednesday, 14 June Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Share your poetry hereKoha admission to cover venue hire