Fast Fibres Poetry 11 available from

$15 one copy $20 two copies

Poetry by Vaughan Rapatahana, Bob Orr, Olivia Macassey, John Geraets, Tracie Lark, Alice Fairley, June Pitman-Hayes, Shelley Arlidge, Martin Porter, Vivian Thonger and many more talented Northlanders 

Entering the Time of Orange

Entering the time of orange we must invite

the albatross with wings of oceanic silver

scrawling clematis vines from Tutukaka headlands

nikau palms bursting hot with creamy ignitions

wahine of kakariki articulations and friends all violet

and friends all blue, childhood tastes of grapefruit, and plum,

our descendants carved from the obsidian night sky, harriers

that sweep past the open window,

We must invite our birthdays, each one and the months

with skeletal hands, faces in photographs, youngsters

with velvet wings and the ones with scarlet shoes, the cry

of grey herons, perfumes of trees happy in the stillness at sunrise,

and musicians of the macrocosm, luminous brides of Algeria

and curiosity like the morning, resurgent  tree seeds  that take

root in the rivers alluvium,  uncles with soft hands  of steel and

aunties overflowing with knitted woolen cardigans, the strange

yet familiar person waiting at the bus stop, the savage calls

of roosters, absence of the automobile, grandmothers

in swirling skirts baking scones, grandfathers growing

apocalypses of beans and whose potatoes spill as egg

like jewels from the black soil,

We must invite pohutukawa shade, the sweet smell of panforte

And we must invite Tangaroa

Live Encounters New Zealand edition April 2023

(When there is no room for)

Sorrow to stand and braid her hair

On nights of weeping children

When the map of stars shatters / ending all distances


A cascade of blue syllables fall from the fountain

I am alive between two commas

a ridge defining  catchments

in summers blush of leaves on a kauri ricker

tui in a blossom burst pohutukawa

warming soil

tomato roots extruding through

like old friends meeting in a café

Live Encounters 'Love' February 2024

Like wide water


In the insinuations of limbs and colors of desire, ephemeral blues and braided beauties in the laughing sky, the soft call of spotted doves in the café beside the bluish purple lazy sea, a red and yellow flag


The day like wide water, processions of green fields and nonchalant clouds, dusty emotions on dry gravel roads, the succulent satisfaction of ripening plums, aromas of rapidly rising yeasty dough, eggs laid on the slow dusk of solstice, flies,the overnight sensation of courgettes and beans, the silken weaving of our afternoon siesta


Everything on the same level surface, without hierarchies, all priorities equal, spectra creating the music, light skidding across a crumpled cloth covering the heavy wooden table, the kaleidoscopic eyes of the landscape, the fractals of your mask spill unspoken glances through the summer shimmer, for an instants fraction, an invisible link unites us like the silence of glass, the lick of an ice-cream

Live Encounters 14th anniversary edition Nov/December 2023

We enter the by Piet Nieuwland

Copyright 2022, Cyberwit

Reviewed by LB Sedlacek

Thoughtful poems and ones of intense introspection permeate throughout this new collection from Nieuwland.  The poems are prepared well, but often take the reader into an unexpected direction from the one expected making them a fascinating read. 

Nieuwland writes in a gifted and lilting almost prose type of free verse with scattered bits of form included here and there.  It is reminiscent of some of the classic poems by often revered poets.  The poems are complete and balanced with a touch of guided originality which means they can stand on their own or within the confines of the book and work well either way.

The author almost melts images together.  You will feel them dripping off the page as you read.  These are definitely poems to be savored and embraced.

Nieuwland cleverly illustrates the human experience with these mostly free verse poems.  The verses seem to operate within their own frequency, adapting to the subject at hand.  Nieuwland’s voice is fresh, his images pour forth on the page loud and clear.

The book is divided into four different sections of poems.  The author makes good use of spacing and lines.

These are poems of explanations and possibilities as well as vulnerabilities and ambitions.  Themes seem to boil underneath the surface and come to light with the exact right timing.  Nieuwland’s lines are subtle, but intricately composed. 

This book is a calling card for nature, people, the soul and so much more.  You will recognize the geography of the poem, you will recognize yourself, and you will embrace spirit, questions, and communion. 

These are responsive poems, ones that will linger in your mind for some time.  These are the types of poems readers can immerse themselves inside to really feel that connection and to explore all the possibilities each poem brings.

Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2022

Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2022

PARIHAKA and MANAIA exhibition at KiwiNorth, Maunu Road, Whangarei

PARIHAKA and MANAIA exhibition at KiwiNorth, Maunu Road, Whangarei

Parihaka & Manaia, an exhibition of historical and contemporary stories

Parihaka & Manaia, an exhibition of historical and contemporary stories

Includes 'Without name or history' and 'Coat' by Piet Nieuwland

Includes 'Without name or history' and 'Coat' by Piet Nieuwland

OTOLITHS Spring 2022

With Veronica Channel

The Spiral Lattice 

SLOGANOFF, HANGAR GALLERY, Fringe Whangarei 2022

SLOGANOFF, HANGAR GALLERY, Fringe Whangarei 2022

Whangarei Fringe Festival 2022

Whangarei Fringe Festival 2022

Finalist in NZ Given Words 2022

Matariki is

It is not what Papatuanuku can do for you

But what you can do to help Papatuanuku

The pressure of our hands upon the earth

laying a predatory cat to rest under a thankful kohekohe seedling

chickens nesting a clutch of fertile eggs

your eyes full of the long summer

amongst the warrior trees flexing in the changing wind

when we walk down the road

as a different shade of sky folds over

and the blue distance draws near shadows

of clouds over the oceans heart beating

with the velocity of our dreams

and certain rivers swollen by misfortune

accelerating towards tipping points

with the scent of history lingering

like the fires of discontent

when we know everything is global, everything

in the turbid flux of slow falling fine humid rain

Landing Poster at Wynyard Quarter Auckland June 2022

Landing Poster at Wynyard Quarter Auckland June 2022

National Flash Fiction Day: Languages of Aotearoa Poster

National Flash Fiction Day: Languages of Aotearoa Poster

CORDITE 105: No Theme 11


Includes my drawing WAIMA  Morning in Kaikohe Morning in Kaikohe

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Review of "As light into water" by Vaughan Rapatahana in NZ Poetry Society Journal

NZ Poetry Society Journal Summer 2022 

Review of Nga Wai Ripo|Swirling Waters

As light into water by Piet Nieuwland available now

From author 

My new book of poetry published January 2021 by Cyberwit

My new book of poetry published January 2021 by Cyberwit OCTOBER2021 OCTOBER2021


About Piet Nieuwland

Poetry is not a luxury, it is a necessary part of the creativity of every day.  

Piet Nieuwland has poems and flash fiction appear in numerous print and online journals published in New Zealand, Australia, United States of America, Canada, India and Germany.

He is a performance poet, edits Fast Fibres Poetry and lives near Whangarei.

In a previous life he worked as a conservation strategist for Te Papa Atawhai in Aotearoa/New Zealand 

He welcomes email contact at